Maximus 360 Nandflasher V1.2

Artikelnummer: AA-1769

  • Der erste Nandflasher der auf dem Markt erschienen ist seinerzeit

Kategorie: Startseite

14,99 €

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sofort verfügbar

Lieferstatus: Lieferbar in 2-3 Werktagen

Lieferzeit: 1 - 2 Werktage



Maximus 360 NAND Flasher for homebrew

Professional tool for all your Xbox 360 home brew needs.The nandflasher is basically a JTag device that lets you read and write to the X360 NAND.

NOTE: This requires an Exploitable console (odl dashboard) OR for latest dashbords you need to use RGH2 (glitcher in each console you flash).

Compatible with Nandpro v2.0d for reading and writing to all mainboard versions (Xenon, Falcon, Zephyr, Opus, & Jasper) on consoles that are xploitable, meaning kernel 7xxx or lower, manufactured before Jun 18, 2009 and has not been to a a MS repair center since June 12, 2009

  • Maximus 360 NAND Flasher Features:
  • Works with Nandpro 2.0 or later
  • Professionally manufactured PCB
  • Standard USB port
  • Power LED is blue for normal operation
  • Works on 360 Mainboards with all flash sizes
  • Includes one installation kit (Modules A, B and C)

Every kit comes with a set of quicksolder boards for 1 install. We offer also aditional quicksolder modules.

Maximus 360 nand flasher

  • Information regarding the resistor reqired for some consoles:
  • This nandflasher have the resistor, it is in paralell with the solder bridge wich could look empty to the eye. This is to make the install easy.
  • The resistor is required for some consoles mainly zephyr but will not harm having them for all others, thats why we leaved it as default.
  • It is possible to bypass it go with direct connection just bridge the jumper above the resistor (no need to remove the resistor). The bridging is just needed for a few amount of consoles that will require bypass the resistor, for the 99% of the consoles leaving the default is safe and tested

NOTE: Return policy for all flashing tools and similar tools:
NO returns and refounds, only exchange if deffective.


Hersteller: KonZone

Anschrift: Tellweg 18 , 42275 Wuppertal, Deutschland

E-Mail:    info[at]

Versandgewicht: 1,00 Kg
Artikelgewicht: 0,20 Kg

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